Answer from Deep Thought!
Golf in the inner and outer space

Dear Joep. You asked the question: What is the biggest difference between golf in the inner and the outer space? I now got the answer.
Be aware that this is going to be a bit complicated, but you know; in the inner space your golf ball is not bigger than a photon particle. You probably also know that that kind of particle can be in 2 places at the same time? But it is only when you find it that you know for sure in which of the 2 places the ball is.
I think you know that because you are mentioning the Pauli Exclusion Principle in your comment, showing that you must know at least a little about the quantum theory.
Right? So here we go.
In the inner space, when you hit a particle – read a golf ball, the fact is that we don’t really know the trajectory it takes. It is only when we start searching for the ball and only when we find it that we know where it is and therefore which trajectory it took.
Okay? Now you hit a drive from the first tee, and you and your partner are walking forward to look for the ball. You think it’s a bit more to the left on the fairway and somewhat longer, than your partner thinks, and when you – fairly quickly – find your ball, there is no doubt. You say to your playing partner: “hey man, found my ball – it’s here. No problem, I can hit it.”
Then you start your routine and right in the middle of the swing, your partner yells “hi man, are you sure that’s your ball?”
“Yes, of course I’m sure: It’s a Titleist Pro V1, number 3, with a red dot on. That’s mine, no doubt!”
But come back here and take a look at this one!
The ball you are going to take a look at is in the semi-rough, in a deep turf hole and about 15 meter shorter that the Pro V1 you have just found. You can’t see the red dot, so you mark it – in according to rules – and lift it to take a closer look at it. When you look at it, there is no doubt, it is also a Titleist Pro V1, number 3, with a red dot on. You are looking at the dot and the turf hole and think that maybe the red dot is a bit different from the dots you are normally marking your balls with. So you say to your playing partner: “I think that the dot is different from my normal dots, so this is not mine. You can take it and I will play the other one”, and throw the ball to him.
Your partner finds it difficult to argue against you, but he insists at least to see for himself the difference between the 2 dots. So he takes the ball and you and he walk forward to have a look at the other ball.
But when you get to the spot the ball in play is gone, it’s not there.
Understanding the quantum mechanics you know why it’s not there, but then now, in the inner space; what is the ruling?

Wow, that is really a fantastic answer. I’m really impressed by the thorough thoughts that are the basis of this answer. Now I even feel a little ashamed because when the question came up in my mind, I didn’t realize the impact it could have. Anyway, I am thrilled to know now a little more about inner and outer golf. By the way, do you know what handicap did Einstein have? Relatively low I suppose.
Remains your question: the ruling in inner space.
I have to admit that I don’t know, but if you allow me to give a clue? I consider you to be my best Danish friend, therefore I would say that we might find the answer in the Copenhagen Interpretation. What do you think?
All the best and stay healthy!