Golf in outer space or golf in inner space

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2 Responses

  1. Eza/Finn says:

    Dear Joep,
    Thank you for you comments and question. Right away intuitively I thought that I had the answer. But then, intuitively, something was holding me back. My thinking and memory was directed in the direction of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and the super computer named Deep Thought. If anyone in the galaxy should be able to answer your question it will have to be Deep Thought.
    You know, Deep Thought, was ones asked the ultimate question to come up with the ultimate answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. And after several light years, it did. Deep Thoughts answer to the question was simple and at the same time very complex and – to human minds – complexing.
    Therefore I will leave it out here.
    Now we can just to wait for Deep Thoughts answer to your questions. I will post the answer as soon as I get it.

  2. Joep van Maaren says:

    Hi guys, great story again. Two questions came to my mind
    While reading the story, especially in the phase of 10 in minus 10, electrons, I remembered the Pauli Exclusion Principle, which says that in a molecule there are no two electrons having the same status. Is this the reason why sometimes it is so difficult to play golf together with some players?
    Apparently the architecture of the inner space and the outer space shows huge similarity. What does this mean in terms of golf?
    I’m looking forward to receive your answers 🙂

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