Camino Tour de Golf

Time to wake up

Plan the next trip

Let’s go
Hello Dear Golfing Friends
- Ready for the Camino Tour de Golf?
Our Golf Around the World in 2020 was planned to be a journey of 1½ to 2 years.
We played wonderful courses in South Africa for about 2 months. Then Covid came and we were locked in for the next 2 months. No golf and no flights to Europe.
Though after we got home, Scotland and Ireland opened partly in August 2020, making it possible to play golf.
We had 2 fantastic months of golf in Scotland. We played several golf courses on the stretch from Edinburgh in the south to Wick and Thurso in the most northern part of Scotland. And then down along the west coast of Scotland.
Back in the south of Scotland, the plan was to move across the North Channel to Ireland. Then again, unfortunately, Ireland closed for entry. The alternative was to drive south along the English coast playing Royal Liverpool, and then on to Wales. In Wales, we drove around the coast from north to south and played – again – known as well as unknown courses. We ended that trip with 3 days of golf at St. Pierre, which was fantastic.
And now – almost 2 years have passed with uncertainty due to Corona, the war in Ukraine and economic crisis. Under these circumstances the question is: –
Can we allow ourselves something so luxurious – and fundamentally unnecessary – to focus on the possibilities of resuming our Golf World Tour?
Our conclusion is Yes.
We have now decided not to make one long trip, but shorter trips – like the one we did in Scotland. The first of these shorter trips is a 14-day golfing trip to the more unknown courses in the Northern part of Spain.
That is – Instead of playing the well-known courses along the coast of Costa Brava and Costa del Sol we want to try something different. What about a golf trip at the feet of the Pyrenees. That is, starting at Roses on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea following a route just south of the Pyrenees towards San Sebastian in the west
Using Google maps, we have identified several golf courses that most of us have never heard about.
So – here we go.
Town – área | Courses to play |
Figueres | Peralada Golf |
Torremirona Golf | |
Comprodon | Comprodon Golf |
Cerdayna | Fontanals Golf |
Cerdanya Golf | |
La Seu d’Urgel | Aravell Golf |
Sabinanigo | Las Margos Golf |
Pamplona | Golf Ulzama |
Golf Gorraiz | |
San Sebastian | Goiburu Golf |
Golf de San Sebastian |
The Camino Tour of Golf: The golf courses we intent to play.

It’s not a short trip.
Following National roads, and smaller roads on the mountain side it’s about 1200 km. In fantastic nature! Looking forward to it. About 11 golf courses, 9 of them we have never played.
But why calling our golf tour the Camino Tour of golf?
El Camino is a Spanish phrase and translates to “the way” in English. Many may know this word in relation to the Camino de Santiago, or The Way of Saint James.
When people are talking about El Camino – especially those who have walked one of the official routes to Santiago de Compostela (and there are many routes) – they often talk about walking kilometer after kilometer in fantastic nature, free of the noise from modern living, cars, computers, phones, television, social media et cetera.
It is like getting into a mental state of meditation, looking inward, learning more about oneself and to find peace with oneself. To many it’s a spiritual experience.
What’s the real story about the Camino?
On the internet I have found this: The legend of St. James
“Apostle St. James is one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus. St. James’s name in Spanish is Santiago, that’s why the Spanish name of the Way of St. James is the Camino de Santiago.
St. James and his younger brother St. John were among the first four of Jesus’ disciples. As a member of the inner circle together with St. Paul and St. John, St. James was one of the three apostles who were selected by Jesus to witness his transfiguration. Better understood as resurrection.
12 years after the crucifixion of Jesus his apostles went to different parts of the world to spread the Word of God. Apostle St. James went to evangelize people in Hispania”.
It is the route St. James walked from the South of France and Northern part of Spain to Santiago de Compostela, which is now called the Camino. So now we know that Santiago means St. James.
Then what about the word Compostela? From Wikipedia you can learn: “Compostela means Field of Stars. It comes from the Latin “campus stellae” and is based on the stars of the Milky Way that, according to legend since the Middle Ages, had been outlined (walked) by the apostle St. James and followed by pilgrims to reach his tomb”.
Isn’t that wonderful. A walking route directed by the stars of the Milky Way helping you to find peace with yourself, which you can only find if you find peace with other people (like or dislike is not a question) and accept that you are the master of your own happiness. No one else is.
So, our Camino-trip is not about finding peace with God, but with ourselves. That is what the Camino of Golf is all about. Or to put it another way:
A route to create a balance between the inner ambition and the physical realization of it. And then accept the difference between the result and the ambition.
What about that. Finding golf courses in the most beautiful and tranquil nature. Finding peace with yourself and your playing partner and your game.
That is: Don’t get irritated over the 4-ball in front of you that are playing very slow and won’t let you play through, don’t be upset by yourself when you “stupidly” hit the ball in the hazard, don’t be irritated because the greens are a bit bumpy or because it starts to rain. Or because someone starts talking while you are in the mid of your swing. Or that you didn’t make the par on a hole where you had the best tee shot. As a golfer, you know what I mean!
Okay, so here is the plan. You will notice that the plan stops at San Sebastian. And not in Santiago de Compostela. Why is that? Because of time.
The Camino Tour of Golf from San Sebastian till Santiago de Compostela is in the making, but when it will be executed is up to the Golfing Gods. But hopefully soon!
This is the first part of our Camino Tour del Golf.
Please follow us on the blog to see what really happens on trip.