Golf and getting old
At the time when I was still considering our golf around the world trip, to do it or not, I read an article by a journalist in his mid-age. Once when he was younger he went to the mountains to hike. Here he met an older man who was also hiking and running. One day when they were running together, on their way to the top, the old man stopped, turned toward the younger man and said:
“”Well, my boy, now you must go! Run, run, just follow the path until you reach the electricity pole at the top of the mountain. On a good day it will take you two hours. I usually hitchhike my way home from here. But you, you run up the winding mountain path. So now start running. See you later!”
It was Jürgen, the old man from Berlin. That day I ran for three hours in the mountains, in and out of scrubs, between high slopes, in bathing suits like the old man did. I still do, and I enjoy it.
What a spark, what an inspiration he instilled. Becoming like that is a simple goal. But it is my biggest dream in life to be a happy old man, like him, because then you are always a child.”
This story told me; Finn, just do your tour! And always let your inner child follow you on your rounds. Have fun. Nobody really cares about your scores or the length of your drives. Just play and enjoy it like a child.