Golf in outer space or golf in inner space
Hi Folks,
Sitting here in South Africa, in mountains created about 55 millions of years ago, I came to think about the Danish scientist who developed the Strings Theory and his recent book “The Theory of Everything”. A fantastic guy with a talent for keeping the most complex stuff simple. His book is, so far as I know, only available in Danish.

His name is Holger Bech Jensen. Most of the following are based on his book: “Teorien om alt” (The theory of everything).
To understand what is happening on the subatomic level, you have to imagine a little 1 metre clever/intelligent dwarf, that we are now sending into the underworld by making him smaller and smaller by using an atom particle minimizing accelerator.
Here is goes!
We start by putting the dwarf in the minimizer and reduce him by a factor of 10. That will make him the size of about an ostrich egg. When he looks at the world, other people will appear very large. Like when a blackbird are looking at a human being.
That’s is – maybe the reasons – why we find hitting a golf ball so difficult – it is too small.
When we reduce him again by a factor of 10 he is about 1 centimetre tall. The size of an insect. We can still see him without a microscope.
We reduce him by 10 one more time and he will be a millimetre in size. He is now the size of a frog egg. And then, reduced one more time by 10 he is the size of a human egg. Now he can see what kind of partner the egg is going to partner with.
So, before a two ball competition, you should ask him to create the right partner for you.
Reduced once more by a factor of 10 he can see the different components of the human cells. He sees the cell nucleus, which has all the DNA molecules rolled up on like small drums.
On this level he could manipulate the DNA and create humans with great golfing talent. You might ask him to fiddle a bit with your DNA.
If we reduce him 2 times more, that is down to 10 minus 7 meters, he is the size of a flu virus and, I suppose also the Corona virus.
Here we could ask him to help us develop a corona vaccine, to quickly get us back on the golf course.
In 10 minus 10 he will arrive at the quantum mechanics level. Here he can observe that the electron mysteriously is all over or around the atom – at the same time. Here he sees the atomic nucleus like the size of a tennis ball (in our world).
The mysterious movement of the electron, might be the reason why you need mental training.
When he is 10 minus 12 he sees the that the nucleons in fact are protons and neutrons.
Then we reduce him by 10 minus 13 meters. Now he has a full view of the nuclear nucleus, which for him will be the size of a football, if it is a gold atom.
Here you can ask him to create a few bars of gold so that you can pay for the expensive green fees.
Next step, now we are making him 10 times smaller. Then he is as big as the heavy gold atomic nucleus and he can have the nucleus of the hydrogen atom in his hand. And he can see that the atom vibrates and swells back and forth, becoming egg-shaped and then flat over and over again. Not very easy to get hold on.
Like your electrical trolley is going its own way – out of control.

In the size of 10 minus 15 the atomic nuclei are several times larger than himself so he can see the single nucleon in the atom. It is now about the same size of himself. And he can see that the nucleons are surrounded by particles called pi-mesons. He will also be able to discover that nucleons are so-called fermions. There are never two of these nucleons in the same state. All of them are individualists. Even if he can see and observe them he will probably never be able to predict its position and/or state.
They are like many golfers; unpredictable, hitting their balls all over.
With the large particle accelerator at CERN you are able to investigate conditions down to 10 minus 18, due to the limit of the energy available to the accelerator. If we want our little dwarf to go deeper he must be 1000 times smaller before he gets the same size of the smallest of the nucleons, and because the building blocks of the nucleons are even smaller, his opportunities to see something at this stage are poor.
I mean: where is my ball?
To put it into perspective. The “super strings” theory predict that this vibrational stuff is only detectable at the level of 10 minus 35.
So if you think that a golf ball is made of solid stuff, and easy to find, you are wrong.
Now the little guy have made a travel to the inner of the universe. We have reduced his size of 1 meter by 10 minus 15.
If we now go in the other direction e.g. out in space and expand him by 10 in plus 15, using our atom extension accelerator, what will happen to him?
Here comes the stunning answer:
One Earth kilometre is approx. 10 meter plus 3 and the Earth is around 10 plus 4. So the circumference of the globe is about 10 plus 7. Therefore, at 10 plus 15, we are out in the direction of a distance that is as much larger that Earth, as the Earth is very much larger than us humans.
That’s the reason why most golfers have the feeling that they are hitting the ball a lot further than they actually are.

If we translate this into light time, then it becomes the distance that light can reach in 50,000 minutes. That is out in space to what is named the Oort Cloud. To put that in perspective: It takes the light only one second to reach the Moon and eight minutes to reach the Sun. So that’s a long long way from home.
Now think about this. How far did you really hit the ball?
The Oort cloud lies at the very far end of our solar system. It surrounds our solar system like a spherical cloud. It is located at a distance of 7.5 to 15 billion km from the Sun. That distance is about the size of our little dwarf when manipulated by our atom extension accelerator by 10 plus 15.

Imagin the little dwarf with his feets in the middle and his head reaching the outer ring, when extended by the accelerator by 10 plus 15.
The Oort cloud consists of comet cores. The comet cores are some of the oldest objects in our solar system. These are the ones that are sometimes sent in an oblong orbit around the Sun, due to the gravity of another star. Near the Sun, they evaporate and are seen as comets in our sky.
That’s the reason why we sometimes cannot find our ball. They just evaporate!!!
Dear Joep,
Thank you for you comments and question. Right away intuitively I thought that I had the answer. But then, intuitively, something was holding me back. My thinking and memory was directed in the direction of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and the super computer named Deep Thought. If anyone in the galaxy should be able to answer your question it will have to be Deep Thought.
You know, Deep Thought, was ones asked the ultimate question to come up with the ultimate answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. And after several light years, it did. Deep Thoughts answer to the question was simple and at the same time very complex and – to human minds – complexing.
Therefore I will leave it out here.
Now we can just to wait for Deep Thoughts answer to your questions. I will post the answer as soon as I get it.
Hi guys, great story again. Two questions came to my mind
While reading the story, especially in the phase of 10 in minus 10, electrons, I remembered the Pauli Exclusion Principle, which says that in a molecule there are no two electrons having the same status. Is this the reason why sometimes it is so difficult to play golf together with some players?
Apparently the architecture of the inner space and the outer space shows huge similarity. What does this mean in terms of golf?
I’m looking forward to receive your answers 🙂