The decision
We are two dedicated golfers, husband and wife, aged 72 and 67 with handicaps of around 6 and 14, who have decided to make a golf trip around the world while we are still having the physical and mental health to play the game. We will play courses on all the continents of the world. Courses recommended by connoisseurs like course architects, professional players and dedicated golf journalists.
When we started telling our golf friends about the project, their reaction often was: “Wow! Are you really going to do it? Will you be on Instagram or Facebook to tell us about your adventure?”
Of course, we would love to. We will not only tell you about the famous golf courses, their history and tradition. We will also look for local courses where we can meet and play with the local golfers, get closer to their culture, everyday lives and history
You can follow us on
Instagram: #finnezaworldgolftour
And on this blog:
On Instagram we will post pictures and short stories and on this blog we will get deeper into all aspects of our adventure. Eza is in charge of the Instagram and I will be in charge of the blog.
The following is our attempt to explain the motivation behind the decision to spend a year or more doing nothing else but travelling the world to play golf.