Sources for choosing golf courses
We have primarily used two sources to choose the courses we would like to play. One is from the previously mentioned book with the “50 Courses You Should Play Before You Die”.
The other source is from the Golf Advisor website, in which you can find a list of what they experience as the 50 most beautiful golf courses in the world. Spectacular in terms of their location in nature. Golf Advisor does not rank the 50 courses by beauty, but by what it costs to play them, with the cheapest ones first.
You can find the list via this link: Golf Advisor. You can find the second source, the book by Chris Santella “Fifty places to play golf before you die”, and the follow up book “Fifty more places to play golf before you die” on Amazon
The first golf course on our list is Pinnacle Point in South Africa.

Click here to see our plan and the courses that are on our preliminary list.
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are selected from Santella’s list, and courses with a (+) are selected from Golf Advisor’s list. Courses that I have chosen have no mark.
Some courses from the two lists have not been selected due to their location, mainly because it will require extra-long journeys and because there are no other courses that could be part of that trip. Others have not been chosen because I have already played them, and finally, some courses are not on our list because, as I see it, they are too profit- and/or status-oriented. They are not primarily made for the sake of golf, but for money.
To give you an example. One of the people Santella asked to choose a golf course to play before you die was Donald Trump, who, of course, recommended his own course Trump National Golf Club. The book was written in 2005. So, it was a long time before Trump became President of the United States, which, I suppose, proves that he has not changed his character over the last 14 years. I am sure it is a great golf course, costing a fortune to play, but I doubt the golfing authenticity of the experience