Who are we and what are we doing?
I am Finn Havaleschka. I started my own business in 1982. The company is called Garuda A/S and we develop HR tools, i.e. personality tests, concepts and methods for personal development and leadership. Some of these methods have been converted into the sporting area and are used for team building and mental training of athletes. And, especially exciting for me, as a basis for the mental training of golfers. The concept is called The Golfers Mental Scorecard.
I have written 3 books that might be of interest for you. The titles are:
Focused Golf,
Before You Go Completely Nuts and
Focus Leadership.
You can get these books for free as e-books at: garudahr.com/cd/finn
My wife is Eza Havaleschka. She is from South Africa, has been an IT-department manager at a university. Several years ago she moved to London where she was an IT-teacher at a college. From there she retired and followed in her daughter’s footsteps to Denmark, where I met her.